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EKG from personal injury


Catastrophic Injury

As Omaha based Catastrophic injury lawyers we see many clients that have experienced a catastrophic injury in several ways.

On the face of it, a personal injury claim (commonly known as a “tort”) is straightforward. If you or a loved one were injured, you will need to prove that the person or company that caused the injury is liable for the injuries and damages (losses) you sustained. Many accidents lead to permanent injury and disability we call this catastrophic injury. To ensure any victim is fairly compensated for these injuries, a person needs legal assistance immediately.  You need to seek out the assistance of catastrophic injury lawyers who understand Nebraska tort law.

An experienced catastrophic injury lawyer works to present clear and fully documented evidence regarding the nature and extent of the injuries and damages obtained during an accident. Many individuals assume compensation is limited to medical bills and lost income, but that is not true. Personal injury accidents can collect on work compensation for pain and suffering and further ensure the person obtains the funds necessary to have financial security and appropriate medical care for years to come. This may include help around the house if the individual can no longer complete these tasks on their own, personal care, and more.

Types Of Injuries that You Need a Catastrophic Injury Attorney

  • Amputation
  • Closed Head Injuries
  • Coordination Issues
  • Extensive Scarring or Disfigurement
  • Eye Injuries
  • Impaired memory
  • Loss of One or More Senses
  • Organ Damage
  • Paralysis
  • Permanent Back or Neck Disc Damage
  • Problems with Mental Tasks
  • Seizures
  • Severe Burns
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

How Compensation Is Determined

Our personal injury Lawyers will look at several factors when arriving at a fair settlement amount. Many people simply look at medical bills and time lost from work and accept a settlement based on those two figures. What they may not take into consideration in a case of this type is the physical, emotional, and financial toll an accident like this takes not only on the victim but also on their family members. For example, a person may need around-the-clock care. Who will provide this, and how will they be paid? If a family member is taking on this responsibility, will they be quitting a job to do so? This loss of income needs to be factored in also, and these are the types of issues a good accident and wrongful death lawyer ensures are not overlooked. That is why you need a lawyer who is competent and trustworthy to get you the money you deserve for your pain and suffering.

Outside medical experts are most often needed to help determine the exact extent of injuries, along with financial experts to determine the financial losses. A catastrophic injury lawyer works with a network of professionals in a variety of fields to make this assessment and provide numbers that are fair, reasonable, and accurate. Every component needs to be examined so that a solid case can be built that is clear and persuasive. Building a fair and complete case for compensation for the court may also include: economic experts, medical experts, and experts in life care planning, along with numerous other potential experts.

Why this is Important

When a person needs a catastrophic injury attorney in Nebraska, their entire life in many cases has changed. Some victims experience a personality change, either with or without accompanying physical symptoms, and others develop speech or comprehension problems. Chronic pain may become an issue for the person, which can be a challenge for others who need to provide assistance. The problem also, that many of these outcomes may not be seen or become apparent for some time after the accident. Others appear to abate and it is assumed the person will continue to improve, yet they do not. They hit a plateau and never move forward. This likewise must be considered as the attorney works to determine the degrees of injuries, and experts are critical in determining the effects of the injury years or even decades into the future.

What Compensation Should Be Considered

When it comes to compensation, the catastrophic injury lawyer looks at lost wages directly tied to time missed after the accident, future wages that will be diminished or lost as a result of any permanent disability, medical bills, and more. This includes things such as emergency medical care, ongoing rehabilitation, therapy that may continue for years or a lifetime, and specialized care resulting from injuries. A good catastrophic injury lawyer will ensure no area of damage or loss is overlooked or neglected.

When working with our personal injury lawyers, clients find that we do not focus solely on the compensation to be obtained through the case. That’s because we have families too and we understand the toll that these types of injuries can have not just on the person involved in the accident but the whole family too. That’s why we work to assist victims in the aftermath of their catastrophic injury, as an accident often has far-reaching effects on the victim and his or her loved ones. Our client’s best interest always remains our top priority.

Contact our catastrophic injury lawyer today, so we can handle the legal aspects of the case. Your job is to work on your recovery. Our job is to get you what you deserve. Let us do what we are experts at.


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All it takes is a simple phone call. Remember YOU don’t pay unless we WIN!

About Demerath Law

Demerath Lawyers can handle your case and provide that personal family touch. We have a proven track record for winning, and we will fight hard for YOUR rights. We have over 50 years of experience with the judicial system, let our family use that vast experience to fight for you and your family.

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