When you have had a personal injury accident, it can be a scary and often confusing time. As Omaha wrongful death attorneys, we understand you don’t know what you should do or what you should avoid. Suffering a personal injury can mean piles of medical bills, lost work, and sometimes – injuries that may require medical care for the rest of your life. You should first find an Omaha personal injury attorney to help you navigate your way through the insurance companies. Many people think they can do it without the help of an attorney, only to find that they have been taken advantage of. You know the insurance companies have attorneys, why would you think doing it on your own is a good idea? Let’s take a look at five things you should avoid after suffering a personal injury.
1- Forgetting Documentation
Document everything and anything you can. Take pictures if you are on the scene and capable. Gather medical records, police reports, and all documents that you think will help your Omaha personal injury attorney understand your case, what happened, and what others saw. Whenever you make a phone call or speak with someone about your case, document who it was, the time of the call, and any details that might be pertinent to your lawsuit. You can never over-document! You should also keep track of transportation costs, times of your visits for medical treatment, and other people that were affected due to your condition. These are all things that can add up for your case. Also, avoid giving any statements to the insurance adjuster – most of such statements will be used against your interest.
Keep a Journal
Be sure to document how you are feeling. Keeping a journal will help you remember later if there are any questions. When we have suffered an injury, we often don’t remember all the daily details. However, it is essential for everyone, in this case, to understand how this has affected you. It is your memories of pain and suffering! Not only how it physically has affected you, but mentally as well. Keep those records, and if you seek professional mental health treatment, it is also important to document it.
Images and Video
While at the scene, when possible, take images of the accident from all angles. If it is a car accident, be sure that you get the license plates and any damage done to the cars. When possible, get the names and phone numbers of anyone that witnessed the accident, whether it be a slip and fall, car accident, or accident at work. If the police are called, they will most likely gather this information, but don’t count on it. Also, if possible, look around to see if you see any security cameras that might have captured the accident on film. Security cameras’ records can be beneficial.
2- Sabotage your Own Case
Be careful to whom you speak and what you say. The interactions you have are very crucial in the beginning when you are not fully yourself. Always give the police your insurance information and license when asked, but call an attorney if the questions go any further. You don’t want to sabotage your own case. It would help to win your case if you didn’t speak to the insurance company or sign anything without the proper advice of your attorney. Getting advice from a legal professional will ensure that someone doesn’t try to get something over on you. Always be polite but firm when asked questions or asked to sign things.
3- Lying to Your Attorney
While this one should be pretty obvious, it always needs to be said, always be honest with your Omaha personal injury attorney. You should never embellish the story to your attorney, and at the same time, you shouldn’t withhold information either. Stick to the facts. Your Omaha personal injury attorney is on your side and can only help you if they know the entire story. It is their job to present it in a manner that will benefit your personal injury case.
4- Posting Your Accident on Social Media
Many of us love social media. It is where we can get in touch with our family and friends all at one time. However, it is not a place for pictures of your accident. You shouldn’t be posting your injuries or any other details online. You should share information regarding your accident only with your attorney. Taking this a step further, be sure that you let all your family and friends know that they shouldn’t be posting anything or talking about the accident either. You don’t want to compromise your personal injury or wrongful death case by using social media. If you have questions, you should speak to an Omaha wrongful death attorney or personal injury attorney to find out more.
5- Accepting the First Offer Right Away
When you have been injured, you might receive an offer from the other party’s attorney or insurance company. However, you shouldn’t accept that offer just to get this done and over with. It would be best if you were advised by a personal injury attorney of your own. The attorney knows the value of the case and has tools for fair evaluation.
At the Demerath Law Office, we have experience with personal injury cases and understand the law. With this knowledge, we are able to help our clients better understand what type of offer they should expect. The other party’s insurance company often tries to offer a lower settlement to get you to go away. If you don’t have an experienced attorney on your side, this may seem like a great offer and will help you get on with life. However, our clients often don’t consider everything they have suffered. The offer might seem great, but it could be a whole lot better.
Don’t Pay Unless You Win!
Please don’t accept the first offer without speaking to us at 402-677-5656. We are happy to look at your case and discuss the details with you. The best part about hiring a Demerath wrongful death attorney and personal injury attorney is that you don’t pay unless you win.
That’s right. It costs you nothing to reach out and see how we can help you. The amount of financial compensation we negotiate for you will not only cover our fees, but leave you with a much more substantial amount. Personal injuries can have a quick recovery or be something that will take months or weeks to recover. In some cases, you may never recover. We offer personal injury attorney services to help those who have been injured in an accident. If there has been a death, we also are Omaha’s wrongful death attorney office with a great experience. Call 402-677-5656 today to get started.